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Do staged properties sell faster?


As a real estate agent, you’re well aware of the power of presentation when it comes to selling a home. Home staging has been widely discussed as a tried-and-true method to enhance a property’s appeal. But is there any substance behind the hype? In this blog, we’ll delve into the question of whether staged homes truly sell faster. Let’s uncover the truths and arm you with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions for your clients. But first, let’s define what is Home Staging a.k.a Virtual Staging.

What is Virtual Staging?

Before delving into the ongoing debate, let’s begin by clarifying the concept of Virtual Staging. Virtual Staging involves a meticulous arrangement of furniture, decor, and accessories in a strategic manner to craft an inviting and visually captivating atmosphere. Its ultimate objective is to highlight the property’s inherent potential and evoke a strong emotional connection with prospective buyers.

Do Staged Properties Sell Faster?

It is commonly believed that staging a home guarantees a faster sale. The truth is extensive market research consistently reveals a compelling trend that staged properties tend to captivate a larger pool of potential buyers and fetch higher offers. As a result, these staged properties experience shorter durations on the market. Take a look at the statistics shared by the National Association of Realtors. “58% of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home most of the time, while 31% said that home staging has an effect, but not always.

Why Virtual Staging?

Through the art of staging, potential buyers are guided to visualize themselves inhabiting the space, fostering a profound emotional connection that expedites the decision-making process. By skillfully staging a property, its distinctive selling points – be it the spaciousness, functionality, or noteworthy architectural details – are purposefully accentuated, elevating its appeal to buyers. Consequently, these visually captivating images generate increased online views and pique the interest of a larger pool of prospective buyers.

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Effective Property Staging:

As a real estate agent, it is crucial to address the common misconception surrounding property staging and understand its benefits. While staged properties have proven to sell faster in most cases, it is essential to consider factors such as the local market, property type, and target audience. By incorporating effective property staging techniques and utilizing resources like professional stagers or virtual staging, you can significantly enhance your client’s chances of a speedy and successful sale.

To learn more about the power of home staging and how it can accelerate your sales, reach out to our team of experts at Virtual Staging Studio. Let us guide you through the process and help you maximize the potential of every property listing.

Is Home Staging Worth It? 

When it comes to selling a home, homeowners and real estate agents often face the question of whether home staging is worth the time and investment. The answer, in short, is yes. Home staging, the process of preparing and styling a property to showcase its potential, offers numerous benefits that make it a valuable strategy in today’s competitive real estate market. Let’s dive deeper into why home staging is worth it:

  1. Faster Sale: Time is of the essence when selling a home, and staged properties tend to sell faster than vacant or unstaged ones. By creating an appealing visual presentation, staging helps potential buyers form an emotional connection with the property. This emotional response prompts quicker decisions and increases the likelihood of receiving multiple offers.
  2. Increased Sale Price: One of the primary goals of staging is to maximize the perceived value of a property. Staged homes often fetch higher sale prices compared to unstaged homes. By strategically decorating and furnishing the space, staging creates a vision of the home’s potential and helps buyers see the value in it. Ultimately, this can lead to a higher sale price and a more profitable transaction for the seller.
  3. Optimized Space: Proper staging can optimize the layout and flow of a home, making it feel more spacious and inviting. This is especially valuable for properties that may have unique layouts or smaller square footage. Staging helps potential buyers understand how to best utilize the space, turning perceived limitations into attractive features.
  4. Attracting More Buyers: When a property is staged, it becomes visually appealing and memorable to potential buyers. The professionally staged and styled interior stands out in listing photos and virtual tours, generating more interest and foot traffic. With more eyes on the property, the chances of finding the right buyer increase significantly.
  5. Competitive Advantage: In a highly competitive real estate market, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd. Staging gives your property a clear advantage over unstaged homes. By presenting a well-curated and visually captivating space, you capture buyers’ attention and leave a lasting impression. This advantage can make the difference between a quick sale and a property that lingers on the market.

While there is a cost associated with home staging, the potential benefits far outweigh the investment. The expedited sale, increased sale price, optimized space, wider buyer pool, and competitive advantage all contribute to a successful sale that benefits both the seller and the real estate agent.

Can I do virtual staging myself? Is it worth it? or is it better to hire a professional?

While it is possible to do virtual staging yourself, whether it is worth it or better to hire a professional depends on several factors. Let’s explore both options:

Doing Virtual Staging Yourself:


  • Cost-Effective: One of the main advantages of doing virtual staging yourself is the cost-saving aspect. By not hiring a professional, you avoid paying their fees.
  • Flexibility and Control: When you do it yourself, you have full control over the design and staging choices. You can experiment with different styles and make adjustments according to your preferences.


  • Learning Curve: Virtual staging requires knowledge of photo editing software and design principles. If you are not familiar with these tools and techniques, there may be a learning curve involved, which can be time-consuming.
  • Time and Effort: DIY virtual staging can be a time-intensive process, especially if you have multiple photos to stage. You will need to dedicate significant time to selecting appropriate furniture and decor, editing the images, and refining the final results.

Hiring a Professional Virtual Stager


  • Expertise and Experience: Professional virtual stagers have specialized knowledge and experience in selecting the right furniture, decor, and design elements to enhance a property’s visual appeal. They understand current design trends and can create realistic and enticing virtual staging results.
  • Time Saving: Hiring a professional allows you to delegate the virtual staging process, freeing up your time for other tasks related to selling the property.
  • Enhanced Presentation: Professionals have access to high-quality furniture and decor libraries, as well as advanced software tools, enabling them to create more realistic and visually appealing virtual staging.


  • Cost: Hiring a professional virtual stager involves additional costs. The fees vary depending on the stager’s expertise, the number of photos to be staged, and the complexity of the project.
  • Communication and Coordination: Working with a professional virtual stager requires clear communication and coordination to ensure that your vision and goals align.

Ultimately, the decision to do virtual staging yourself or hire a professional depends on factors such as your budget, time availability, expertise, and desired outcome. If you have the necessary skills, time, and resources, doing it yourself can be a cost-effective and satisfying option. However, if you prefer to save time, benefit from professional expertise, and achieve higher-quality results, hiring a professional virtual stager may be the better choice.

Remember, when it comes to staging, knowledge is key!

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